Warehouse Technology
Dale Sharpe
June 14, 2024

Technology has become second to none in warehousing over the past few years, and tech keeps on changing for better. We’re rounding up some tech that 2021 could see much more of.


Using intelligent systems such as a pick-to-light system is both a time-saving and accuracy helping system. A series of LED lights connected to a central pick and pack system, directs the picker to the correct item location.

This is not only good for the environment but helps to automate the process. You can also scale the system easily as all it requires is adding in more LEDs.

As well as picking, you can also put away using the same system. This ensures that the orders marry up, allowing for high pick accuracy. You could even use a detection system to find empty gaps and utilise warehouse space more efficiently.


Investing in a combination of robotics and humans is going to come to light very soon. COVID and pandemic awareness is at an all-time high. The blend of human and machine means that social distancing and efficiency can continue even if someone is ill, or off work.

It also allows humans to use their skills to full potential and more repetitive tasks go to robots. You can also employ skilled engineers to manage robots or upskill staff to allow for skilled career development within your company.


Within all aspects of the warehouse, including the head office, processes can be automated. From onboarding new clients to generating reports, automating is often more secure and able to run 24/7.

This means that new clients can join, request data and see updates without needing human interaction or help. Many companies use automation, but 2021 will no doubt see an uptake in this area.

Automation can even be used in your marketing, such as automated newsletters, welcome email series and live chats on social media or a website.


While drone deliveries might not have taken off quite yet, investment in tech is still on the rise. Contactless was an essential component of in-store shopping this year, and greater investment in tech such as delivery robots and wearable barcode scanning is not only facilitating this but showing how innovative the retail and logistics sector really can be.

In 2021, we will see greater investment in a range of technology to benefit the retail space: from investments in big data and analytics platforms to extract more valuable customer marker data; to the last mile of the delivery process. There will also be an uptake in cloud-based platforms that improve the internal operations of new initiatives like dark stores or micro-fulfilment centres. Organisations big and small will be looking to make investments in intelligent technology.

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