Why Warehouse Scalability is important
Dale Sharpe
June 14, 2024

Why the Need for Scalability in your 3PL Provider?

Businesses have been faced with numerous challenges over the past 18 months, but the one that always crops up is growth. In particular, how to meet the demand of rapid growth while maintaining their service and product quality. This means supply chains must be built to match demand where it’s at, but how can businesses handle this kind of growth when it’s fast and unforeseen; does warehouse scalability always match up?

For many companies big and small, the answer is having their supply chain backed by a comprehensive, full-service 3PL provider, like Bray Solutions.

Two Warehousing Options Available

For big vs small-sized businesses, there are differences in what it means to be scalable. This is due to volume and splits companies into two main warehouse scalability systems.

The first is the Public or Shared system, where multiple businesses use the same space. This allows them to be very flexible with stock levels i.e. they don’t have to pay for unused space. This flexibility allows companies to scale up as their needs arise (as well as down) and helps fast-track growth because they don’t need to wait for a whole warehouse to become free.

The second type is a Dedicated or Contract warehouse for each business. 3PLs are set up to expand easily and already have strong relationships within the industry. This established foundation enables them to build, convert and take on new warehouses more easily than a business may be able to do. 3PLs are built with growth in mind and can be agile in response to their customers growing requirements. They are the experts and can support any company as their business grows.

What are the main benefits of warehouse scalability using a 3PL? 

  1. Scale as your business does. There is no need to try and predict the future; respond in real-time and increase your capacity as demand does. This also enables businesses to manage their finances better and reduce costs before sales.
  2. Right Now! Your business has just had the best week of sales ever, but how will you accommodate it? Your 3PL is there for you and is set up to handle quick turnaround times. If you need more space, the team can make that happen. It’s what they do, and they do it well.
  3. Growing up and out. If your business expands across the country and even internationally, it’s key to work with a 3PL with strong relationships with the right couriers and a network of warehousing options. This makes sure there are no delays to your new customers wherever they may be in the world.

Case study at Bray Solutions

What happens, though, when a business has specific needs, such as perishable goods. Are 3PLs able to scale for them? 

The answer is Yes. All of Bray’s warehouses have special cladding, which not only protects the buildings structure against natural elements (wind & rain), but also helps ensure whatever the product may be, they won’t get too hot/cold during the seasons. This means any of the customer’s products can be stored in any of the locations.

For example, one of Bray’s smaller customers sells protein chocolate bars through D2C and B2B (Amazon). They are small enough that their products can be stored in a small area of the main warehouse, which makes it easier for the team to pick their orders more efficiently. However, if they grew, Bray’s could still easily match the demand by accommodating their products in any of the warehouses, knowing they would be safe.

Coming Soon

Bray client’s businesses continue to grow, as does the need for them to stay competitive also grows and match demand. As such Bray, is currently renovating more warehouse space due to other larger customers increasing their stock levels; hello further warehouse scalability options!

Get in touch with us to discover more about scaling services at Bray Solutions. 

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