Focus of the month – Health & Safety
Steve Mills
June 14, 2024

Health and safety always has been and always will be the biggest priority here at Bray Solutions.

With the logistics industry falling in the top 5 most dangerous industries to work in, it is important now more than ever to ensure our employees are always safe; we do this with the guidance of our Health & Safety Manager, Adam Coles. With the recent government guidelines due to the pandemic, a lot has had to change in a short period of time.


As standard when someone comes to work at Bray everyone goes through an induction program. They are given an induction booklet to go through which includes all of Brays health and safety policies and procedures as well as providing information on general health and safety practices and information. This is to ensure everyone at Bray is working under the same health and safety culture. 

Risk Assessments 

If you are working in the office at a computer a DSE assessment is carried out (Display Screen Equipment). This is to ensure your workstation is suitable and set up for your personal requirements. In the warehouse, if you are required to use an order picker, ramp, forklift or ladders, risk assessments and training must be carried out for the safety of the employees. We ensure all risk assessments are carried out and reviewed regularly to identify and eliminate where possible all hazard in the workplace. 


General practice here at Bray in the warehouse environment is the compulsory use of steel toe cap boots, a high viability vest or jacket when using forklifts, a bump camp is mandatory. The stock control team are provided with gloves to prevent cross-contamination when processing returns.

Health & Safety Marshals 

There is a health and safety marshal dedicated to each department within the business. This is to ensure there is a point of contact for any issues or hazards that may occur and for it to be reported and rectified as soon as possible. If this cannot be rectified without the Health and Safety Manager, he should be informed. There are bi-monthly health and safety meeting where all marshals come together with the senior management team to discuss all findings from their health and safety walk around, health and safety reports carried out, any accidents or near misses discussed and suggestions anyone may have over the last two months. From this meeting, any issues are allocated to the department manager to address and rectify ASAP. The minutes of the meeting are sent around for approval to ensure everything is covered and actioned.


  • Morning Meeting for Senior Management – Now daily to discuss effects of COVID-19 on the business
  •  Staff updates in small groups whilst respecting social distance
  •  Cancelled all large staff meetings and using Microsoft Teams where possible
  • All face to face external meetings swapped to WebEx, Skype or conference call, however, where possible social distanced meetings are now permitted
  • All visitors to use hand sanitiser and fill out H&S questionnaire, upon arrival
  • Automatic hand sanitisers placed on all entrances/exits
  • All staff to complete the new Coronavirus Training Module
  • How to wash your hands’ posters displayed in all bathrooms.
  • All staff reminded of symptoms
  • All warehouse staff to ensure they wear gloves whilst working, masks have been provided for those to wish to use them
  • First Aid Room away from all staff ready for any member of staff/visitor displaying symptoms
  • Cleaning company increased by two extra visits to cover touch surfaces, etc
  • Suppliers on standby if additional staff needed at short notice
  • Temperature checks carried out on all staff members each morning before they enter the warehouse/office
  • Social distance of 2m compulsory throughout the business – floor markers to provide a visual reminder
  • Packing stations to be sectioned off to comply with 2-meter social distancing

Here at Bray Solutions Health and Safety is a priority and we ensure all our employees are always safe, by Reacting calmly and quickly to all issues and changes within the industry as well as following government advice and guidelines.

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