3 Customer Service Situations That Make Every Support Conversation Better
Steve Mills
June 14, 2024


Scripted phone calls are not helpful for consumers seeking customer service, especially when they are looking for specific answers.

Did you know that in 2020, it is predicted that customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator? (Source)

Robot responses, while they have their place, will usually end in an infuriating experience for any customer. The last thing an angry consumer wants to hear over the phone is a repetitive, generic phrase or to not be able to speak to a human when a chatbot really cannot help. However, there are a few lines that will ensure your customer feels taken care of.

These phrases will ease even the most challenging situations. Generic lines may make your company sound fancy, but consumers would prefer a quick reliable solution to their problem rather than an over pretence conversation.


70% of consumers say that their loyalty to a brand is influenced by their ability to get customer service at any time, every day. (Source) So, it is important to ensure your offering is up to scratch to keep customers happy.

Having natural and effective responses helps you tackle uncomfortable conversations with more clarity and consistency, crucial to both you and the customer.

From technical and tricky, to a question as simple as asking the status of an order, there is a range of support questions asked on a daily basis. And while each query may differ, there are a few considerations to try to cover in every customer service interaction.


Receiving feedback is a treasure, whether it’s positive or negative. Give thanks to your customers for doing so because it will help you determine what you’re doing right and what you could fix or improve.

No matter how frosty, reply to every email with thanks. They have taken time out of their day to discuss an issue that you might not have come across before. Taking the time to share any feedback at all deserves a thank you.

Giving thanks will prevent a potentially tense situation. For example, a delivery could arrive late or it arrived and it is faulty. There are many reasons as to why a customer would feel the need to complain and thanking them at the beginning of your response will help:

  • They know that you appreciate them being customers
  • Reduce aggravation
  • Make a point of recognising regular customers if you’ve helped them or they’ve purchased from you before. Special recognition will flatter them!
  • Remain positive

But do not go overboard. Empathise, appreciate and support them through the process!


You have to ensure that you have listened and understood the problems. This provides value for the customer in a number of ways. Firstly, it will help them to feel heard and listened to. Which, in turn, validates their concerns, and you will assure them that you can provide support.

Customer service phrases should include different versions of “I’m sorry” or “I understand.” Showing empathy for your customers and portraying yourself as another human that understands their frustrations will create a much better balance for conversation.

Make it known that you wish to authentically help the customer, not just solve the issue straight away just to get rid of the unread message in your inbox. The same with any human being, customers can tell when you are being genuinely helpful, too.


There is nothing worse than a customer not getting the resolution needed because the customer service agent did not understand the issue. If the customer’s query is a bit vague, ask for more details. If they are on the phone, clarify what you understand to be the problem and the solution verbally with them before taking action.

By asking more questions and qualifying issues further, you will ensure that your customer’s issue is dealt with correctly the first time. Hopefully leaving them feeling satisfied.


Always ask the customer for feedback once you have dealt with the problem, it’s worth it when you will find out exactly what you need to change or improve. You can only create a good reputation for your business if you’re willing to take advice, whether it’s positive or negative.

As we have said before, customer service is everything if you want to run a successful business.

When it comes to customer service, keep the these situations in mind: Thank your customers for reaching out, recognise and acknowledge that the issues that they bring up important, and always invite them to reach out and provide feedback.

This will help build valid and trusting customer relationships which will then result in creating a great reputation for your business.

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